October 22, 2024
Welcome visitor # 1589!!

Welcome future Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy students and anyone else who was suddenly possessed with the desire to visit our website!

IMPORTANT: Registration for the week will be held at 10 am in MP 102 (A-L) and in MP 103 (M-Z) by last name.
This will take place on Tuesday, September 5th, 2006.

U of T map can be viewed by clicking here. A new browser window will be launched.

We sincerely hope that your visit to this site will convince you to participate in the most anticipated event of the school year!!! We members of the phrosh 1T0 committee are hyped about phrosh week and we will try our best to communicate our enthusiasm to you.

We welcome you with open arms into our community of pharmacy students and hope you will choose to attend phrosh week, and in so doing, meet your future classmates and get to know them through our countless outrageously fun events throughout the week!!

Here is some quick information for you to mark down:
Phrosh week takes place from September 5 to September 9, 2006
Participation in phrosh week requires a fee of $80 made payable to "Pharmacy Class of 0T9" via personal cheque

To the left, you will see a navigation menu which will allow you to view the following:

  • the proposed calendar of events for the week
  • various pictures from pharmacy events, most notably previous phrosh weeks (and tentatively from your own phrosh week once the week starts and the pictures start coming in!)
  • the photos, email addresses, roles/titles and self-authored *descriptions* of each of the council members who organized your phrosh week
  • a dictionary.com approach to teaching you some very common terms you will hear throughout the year
  • a forum to chat one on one and one with all your fellow phrosh recruits! Break the ice before phrosh week even starts!
  • a form to fill out which will email us directly so we can answer your questions and read your comments!

Enjoy the site! More importantly, enjoy the week!!!